Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Slowing Down

My male Phantom is the second Lionhead male I've ever owned.  The first male was Piccolo, who sadly, has since passed away.  But when I got Phantom, he was already a few years old.  The woman who sold him to me was using newer males for her breeding program. 

So I've had him ever since and he's been my go-to male for all my Lionhead breedings. 

Plus his beautiful blue eyes always go through to some of his offspring and his nice double coat as well. 

But the past few weeks I've noticed him slowing down tremendously.  He was always a spunky rabbit.  He'd try to attack if you moved anything in his cage or even when you'd try to fill up his food bowl.  But the past few weeks he hasn't gotten upset at anything.  For a few days last week he had diarrhea, however with some essential oil drops added to his water, that seemed to clear up. 

He's a beautiful rabbit with a lot of life left in him, but you can definitely tell he's beginning to slow down.  Hopefully with the weather getting warmer he'll get a little more pep back in his step.  

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