Wednesday, February 22, 2017

All My Males

Yesterday was a gorgeous day with lots of sun to get some new pictures of my male rabbits. 

I started off with Phantom, my Double maned Lionhead.  In the picture below, you can clearly see his marbled eye, with 3/4 being brown and 1/4 being blue.

Then his right eye is completely blue. 

And of course, the bold blaze of white streaking down the side of his face.  The entire reason for naming him Phantom, as he looks so similar to the Phantom on Phantom of the Opera

And my newer addition, Zeus.  He's my Harlequin colored Double mane Lionhead male. 

It's hard to see his orange with how thick and long his fur is.  I'm really excited to see the different colors he produces this spring!

And Phantom's son as well as newest, male Lionhead addition - Napoleon! 

Now, he is really tiny...just like my old Lionhead male Piccolo was.  However, unlike Piccolo, Napoleon is rather feisty. 

But I've learned over the years that the feisty males usually get the breeding done quickest and have very healthy offspring.  So I'm excited to see how my broken Tort, blue eyed wonder will do this spring. 

Now to my one and only Velveteen Lop male, Francis!

Francis is beyond sweet and very laid back.  When I got him, he was six months old and was completely litter trained.  The couple kept him indoors and would let him run around the house while they watched TV.

I wasn't able to use him much last year, but I'm definitely looking forward to breeding him with my Velveteen Lop females, Lily and Lilac.

Apparently his cream color with the white underbelly is fairly unique in Velveteens. 

So any colors that he produces will be exciting to see!

And of course my puppy, Dixie, out helping keep an eye on all the bunnies :)

My sweet Flemish Giant male, Rhett Jr. 

It's hard to see from these pictures, but Jr is HUGE!

I'm really glad I kept him to keep Rhett Sr's line going. They have both been wonderful rabbits.  And all their offspring seem to have their awesome, laid-back personalities. 

And my new Flemish Giant male, Mad Hatter.  He still has a lot of growing ahead of him, but I'm excited to see how he does with breeding this spring.  

I really love his big head!

He's not as laid-back as Rhett Jr, but he's still young.  I've noticed some bunnies tend to calm down when they're done growing. 

Here's my Mini Lop male, Bruce. 

He, along with his brother, Benjamin was the very first male Lop I ever owned. 

While I did sell Benjamin, I kept Bruce as I just love his big, broad face.  He's produced some awesome offspring!

Here's my Holland Lop male, Gorman. 

He's a BEW, and with how sunny out it was, the camera had a hard time focusing on him. 

He was also in a bad mood, throwing his ears back and not sitting still in the least for a good picture.  But usually he's a very good boy and has even participated in petting zoos for children.

My Holland Lop male, Watson.  If there's one thing to describe about Watson, it's how tiny he is. 

He's fairly well behaved, although I didn't use him with breedings as much as I wanted to last year. 

Because of this, he's not related to any of my current females and can be bred with all of them.

Dixie, still just hanging out :)

My other Holland Lop male, Bubba.  He also participated in a petting zoo. 

Before I got Bubba, the girl who owned him used him for stud services.  So he's very experienced and in my opinion, has produced some very nice offspring as well. 

He has a really nice personality too!

One day I left his door open to feed him and he hopped right out.  Just went exploring for a little while, then behaved very when I came to get him. 

This is my newest Mini Lop male, his name is Mr. Charlie Molly.  

The people we got him from thought he was a girl and named him Molly. 

After checking him to find he was a boy, we called him Mr. Molly, until I settled on Charlie.  And so he now has the longest name of all my bunnies with the title of Mr. Charlie Molly. 

Then last but not least, my English Lop male, Nemo!

Nemo was born October 22, 2016.  So he's still rather young. 

But I'm looking forward to when he can breed with my wonderful English Lop female Jingles, and my older female, Creamcicle.  

His personality is beyond sweet and he spends hours every day running around our first floor.  Best of all, he's litter trained!  He's a big cuddle bug and I really hope his amazing personality passes through to his offspring. 

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