Sunday, June 29, 2014

Good Bye Goat some of you who know me, you know what animals I have and that I really love them all equally but in different ways.  And for those of you who don't know me personally, I own and have owned for about 2 years now a female goat named Molly. 

Molly is a Pygmy/Nubian mix who's about 3 years old currently.  I bought her with her foster-kid, Sophie. 

Both Sophie and Molly lived at my grandparents, but they were mine and I'd go over and take care of them at least twice every day. 

Well, about a year ago, Sophie was stolen.  I know...everyone who hears that says "Why would anyone want to steal a goat?"

The answer to that? I have no idea.  I do know she was stolen though, because a strange truck came onto my grandparents property, a couple came out, walked around, then after they left and my grandparents went out; Sophie was gone. 

A few weeks after she was taken, bears started coming down and would chase Molly around.  She would hit her head and side on bolts holding her hut together and would rip herself up while trying to get away. 

This happened 3 separate times until I decided it would be best to rent out a stall for her at a nearby barn.   Well, I did and she's been living there happily ever since.  Down at the barn she has a friend miniature pony named Dolly and 3 bigger horses to keep her company.  Lots of people go to the barn everyday and they all love Molly.

Unfortunately though, as I became more involved with my rabbit business, I had less and less time to spend with Molly.  That's when she went up for sale in the winter time.  The man who owns the miniature pony really likes how well Molly and Dolly would get along.  He therefore wanted to buy Molly.

Anyway, I'm meeting him at the barn tomorrow to officially give Molly over to him.

What this means is I am officially out of the goat business (not that I milked Molly or anything like that).

Molly was definitely a pet and an extremely friendly goat.  She could get out of any lock if she wanted to, but never did as she was content and happy to stay where she was.

Tonight's my last night as an owner of a goat, and I must say...I'm going to miss her. But on the bright side, the barn she's at is only about a 15 minute walk from our house! Not only that, but my family and I drive by it all the time! Therefore, I can still see her anytime I want too. 

So, for anyone contemplating getting a goat--I say go for it!  They're super easy to take care of and extremely friendly.  Whether you're into it for the pet side of things or the dairy, etc. Goats are very sweet and would make anyone smile.

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