Sunday, July 27, 2014

Baby Bunny Eyes

Both Lion Head litters have opened their eyes up! Once a rabbit's eyes have opened, they are no longer considered an infant. Nor do they need to be stimulated anymore.  In about another week, they will begin the process of eating solid foods.

Olivia's kits are all doing very well! She's been an excellent mother.

You can see the one baby has it's eye opened...

Kayla's are doing just as well! She always does a wonderful job with the babies and just like Olivia's, all of Kayla's babies have their eyes opened.

Here are her 4 kits...all of them are so sweet and mild tempered!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this little white one with light brown spots is a female.  It is the sweetest little baby and very adorable! If it is a girl, then I will definitely be keeping her.  I should be able to definitely tell within the next week the exact gender of the bunny.

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