Monday, July 7, 2014

My Females

So as you know, I had a post about my males and showed you the boys I use for breeding.  Well, now I'm going to show you my females and these are the girls I use for breeding with those boys.  As I did before, these are all the females I have NOT including the Lion Heads as I already had a post on them.

I currently have 9 females that are not Lion Heads that are my breeders.  These obviously do not include the 3 females who died which were Nutmeg, Angel, and Sugar. 


Above is my oldest and best breeder, LE (Long Ears).  She's a Giant Chinchilla/Giant Flemish mix and let me tell you...she is BIG!  Because of her massive size, I like to breed her with Rhett as he's a pure Giant Flemish and together they make some nice size bunnies.  She's had 5 litters in total.  And incase you're wondering...from those 5 litters she's had 43 babies.  From those I kept Dadooshka, Cottontail, Pumpkin, Nutmeg, Sugar, and Angel.  She has a great personality.  She's probably one of the greatest females I've ever had.   

This is one of the females I just got to replace one of the females that died.  She's had 3 litters before and is due to have another litter at the end of this month.  She didn't have a name when I got her, but I named her Jasmine and call her 'Jazz' for short.  I'm excited to see how she does.  She's extremely sweet and very pretty.  She's a New Zealand rabbit.
This is also a new female I just got to replace one that died.  The lady I got her from said she's between 6 months and a year old.  She had never been bred before I got her.  She currently is bred and due the same time as Jazz.  Hopefully she'll be a great mom and have some pretty babies! While she came already named and I don't really like the name, I decided to just stick with it.  So there you go, that is Piper and hopefully she'll do well with her first litter! Oh, and as far as temperament goes...she's a little jumpy, but seems to be getting better each day.  I don't know what type of female she is though.
This female is Piper's sister and also the last female I got to replace one that died.  She also came named.  She's Lucky.  Ironically however...she's anything BUT lucky.  She's very aggressive and absolutely refused to be bred by my male Oreo. And well...if Oreo cannot get the job done, then it just won't happen and she's of no use to me.  Consequently, she's for sale.  While she has settled down and is getting more friendly, I don't need a pet rabbit...I need a breeder and she's just not making the cut.  Like her sister, I don't know what type she is either.
This is L.E's daughter--Cottontail.  She's a younger female and only had 1 litter so far.  And from that 1 litter she had 10 bunnies.  She's extremely sweet and has been a wonderful mother! All of her babies have been healthy and are really nicely sized.  She's a good girl and very laid back. She is a Giant Chinchilla/Giant Flemish/Satin mix. 
Sorry this isn't the best picture of my female Buttons...(she was sleeping and I accidently woke her up with the flash on my camera) However, Button's is a great mother and also the daughter of my female, Scarlet.  She's beyond easy going and even though she's only had 1 litter so far, from that 1 litter she had 7 babies.  Unfortunately though, she had been in one of the hutches the bear sat on and caved in so 4 of her babies had heart attacks.  She still has 2 left as I sold 1 of them.  She's really sweet though and very pretty! Unlike all my white rabbits, she has brown eyes and her back has a hint of red to it.  She's really cool.  She's a Giant Flemish/Satin mix. 
This female is my sweet Dadooshka.  She's from L.E's very first litter and has the exact same personality as her mother! She has a massive appetite and is extremely laid back and loving.  She's had 3 litters so far and from those 3, she's had a total of 25 bunnies.  She has a crazy metabolism! I feed all my rabbits basically the same amount...except for her.  She always gets bigger portions and extra snacks.  No, she's not fat at all! In fact, I have a hard time keeping weight on her.  She LOVES eating and will literally eat anything! She's a great female and has always done extremely well with her litters.  She is a Giant Flemish/Giant Chinchilla/Satin mix. 
This is Dadooshka's sister and from the same litter.  She's Pumpkin and very sweet, but a little more careful and protective of her litters than her sister.  She's had 2 litters so far and those combined she's had 15 bunnies.  If it wasn't for their personality and appetite difference, I would not be able to tell Pumpkin and Dadooshka apart.  Pumpkin is a very good mother and loves cleaning her babies and laying their fur back into the right position after they've been held.  And her sister, she's a Giant Flemish/Giant Chinchilla/Satin mix.
This is an older picture, but still a picture of my female Scarlet.  Scarlet is my second oldest female and is Rhett's sister.  Consequently, she's a pure Giant Flemish and very big.  Although, definitely not as big as L.E.   Scarlet has had a total of 5 litters.  That amount equaling to 60 bunnies exactly! She's a real sweetheart.  She was always a good mother until she lost a litter in the winter time.  After that she went into depression and wouldn't take care of her new litter.  Because of this, only 5 out of 13 babies lived.  Her litter she currently has she's been doing really well with! With each new litter she's becoming a better mother.  She's Button's mother and also the only female I've ever had who has had caramel colored babies. 
And those are my females! :)  My mom wants to keep the little albino female from Angel's litter that we're still bottle feeding.  She's already named her Pocahontas.  Now, I had seriously been considering keeping Nutmeg's black female and raising her to use for breeding...but she's very delicate and small and I don't want to use a small female for breeding.  So...I've decided to instead keep the black female from Angel's litter.  That way I can keep the 2 sisters in a cage together for a while and then have lots of healthy babies like their mother. 
So yeah...that's my plan and I'm sticking with it.   And incase you were wondering...that would make 11 females I would be using for breeding if you include Pocahontas and the little black girl of which I'm still trying to pick a good name for.

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