Thursday, December 29, 2016

Bunny Berries

Unless you're a rabbit expert or have spent lots of time around a rabbit, you probably didn't know that there's more to rabbit droppings then first thought.  

Rabbits have quite the variety of droppings, with two normal types and plenty of abnormal ones. 

These are Called: Fecal Pellets

Above is a picture of the normal 'daytime' droppings commonly seen, while the pictures below is of the normal 'nighttime' droppings.  The nighttime droppings are rarely seen, as most rabbits eat them. All rabbits produce these two types of droppings.  Anything other then these are abnormal.  Just observing the different types of droppings can help you identify possible issues or sickness in your rabbit, and help you quickly address the situation for the betterment of your pet or breeder. 

These are Called: Cecotropes

Abnormal droppings to look out for include: 

Dry, tiny droppings - which are a sign of dehydration, disease, or not enough fiber
Long, odd shaped droppings - sign of dehydration, disease, or not enough fiber
Droppings with fur - this is because rabbits cannot throw up.  Anything they eat goes through their system.  Many times it causes blockage, often known as wool block.  If it gets that bad, a rabbit usually won't have any droppings and will not eat
Hard droppings covered in mucus - rabbits getting over an illness often have this 

There are other types of rabbit droppings along with other names like 'berries,' droppings, pellets, etc.  But above are listed the most common in order to help you better identify the health of your rabbits. 

*More detail in specific rabbit droppings, along with photos can be found at the following link:

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