Sunday, December 4, 2016

Feeding Pinecones - Lion Heads

Since I gave pinecones to my Flemish Giants and Lops, of course I gave them to my Lion Heads as well :) So here are some pictures from that...and yes, they all loved them.

My female, Kizzy, I absolutely love the picture of her looking straight at the camera above.  She's so cute :) 

And my female Kayla

I got quite a few pictures of Misty with her 2 daughters. 

Misty's a beautiful Magpie with blue eyes.  Her one daughter, BEW in coloring and her other daughter's a beautiful Calico with blue eyes :)

I'm really excited to see what colors they'll pass through to their litters.  

The BEW female has always been a little on the persnickety side of things, however I've been trying to hold her more and more and it seems to be working! She's getting better and becoming more patient :)

All 3 of them, checking out the pinecones 


I think this little girl looks so cute with her little tuft of hair sticking up

Unfortunately, this picture was blurry.  I was trying to get a good picture of her face though

I love how fluffy the BEW female is :)

And their brother, in his area munching on his pinecone :) When I set him up in his new cage, I put it right next to his sisters and mom so that they can all still see each other.

And my male, Phantom.  He's so fluffy you can't even see his eyes!

Same with my male, Zeus...

...he's super fluffy as well :)

My female, Tasha. 

She almost seemed scared of her pinecone.  However, within a few minutes of observing it from a distance, she began playing with it.

And my female Neptune with her daughter.

When the tarps are down and it gets a little windy (which it was), Neptune's daughter likes to go inside her little hut to hand out.

And Neptune.  I was really excited to get these pictures of her as I've never really managed to get a good picture of her.  However, I think she looks adorable here.

So fluffy!


I put 8 pinecones in for my 7 Lion Head females who all share an area.

They seemed to be a huge hit with them right off the bat!

Not only that, but later on I noticed that the pinecones were, in fact, catching all the loose fur that was in the cage!  It made it really easy as I simply just took those pinecones out after a few hours and replaced them with new ones

All of them really enjoyed their new treat :)

And the lighting seemed to be really good for the pictures

I love how all the bunnies have different eyes, red, brown, and blue.

And I'm also so happy that all the females are still getting along! No one's biting or scratching, but they're all just living in harmony. 

So for anyone who's contemplating baking a few pinecones for a very cheap treat? I say go for it! They're definitely a huge hit and beyond easy to make!

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