Monday, August 4, 2014

Cow Fun

I know, you're thinking "Cow Fun? What type of weirdness is this?" Well...I'll tell you. So, we have some friends who live on a farm and they wanted to go away a few days to get some vacation time in before the summer ends.

They only needed someone to take care of them just one day, so my mom and I did it.  They have 4 cows.  3 are bulls, and then they have the female who needed to be milked in the morning and evening. 

We also had to milk a goat, but that was only in the morning.  So it was really straight forward and fairly easy.  I love goats, so I milked her.  Then both my mom and I hooked the cow up to a milking machine.  Everything went well and extremely easily.

After we had done the milking, we fed and watered all the animals, made sure they were all okay and left.  We then come back that evening to milk the cow again.

We get there and the cow is really far out in one of the pastures.  So my mom sends me down with a halter and lead and I go walk out to the cow.  She was laying down and did NOT want to go to the barn.  I got the halter on and eventually got her to stand up. 

Every five feet or so the whole walk back to the barn the cow would stop and yank her head back. took a little bit of time, but we finally made it back to the barn.  Through that entire process some neighbors had been out on their porch and watched me struggle to coax this cow up to the barn.

We eventually ended up milking the cow and it wasn't a big deal...until we wanted her to go back out.  Now that she was inside the barn, she wanted to stay there.  After a long while of prodding, pushing, and bribing with food, we managed to get the cow back outside.

The point of this story? Well, it's just showing that the farm life involves large animals that we do not need to be afraid of.  Yes, they may have their own personalities, some nicer than others, but no animal is too large for us to handle.  And you know what? I had a great time hanging out in the barn milking the animals. If you don't own a farm, you should definitely try it's a lot of fun!

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