Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rascally Rabbits

Bunnies...some days you love them and others they just seem to need an endless amount of time spent tending them, loving them, etc. 

This year has been hard, what with the bear and everything else that followed.  However, I will not be pushed down by this.  It's okay to actually work for what you want.  I wanted to raise rabbits and so I do the work that comes along with it.  Totally fair. 

So to anyone who wants to start raising rabbits, I would say definitely DO it!!! You will NEVER regret it. might regret it upon occasion, but if you really love bunnies you won't mind taking the time to raise them and love them.

They are anything but gross, which is a HUGE plus! So much better raising rabbits then say chickens. 

You would actually be surprised as to how much fun it can be just watching the rabbits.

Lots of times after I've tended them all and cleaned a few cages, I just hang out and watch them.  Some sleep, others groom themselves or their babies...some run around and act all crazy! 

You get to know all the different personalities and quirks each rabbits has.  And it is SO much fun doing that!  So to anyone considering raising rabbits....Do it.  It literally is an adventure with which you will learn a little more about God's creation and how beautiful it is. 


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