Monday, December 22, 2014

Santa Claus' Coming To Town

It's Christmas week!  The time has just flown by this Christmas season and now we're only a few days away from celebrating Christ's birth. 

Since I've last posted, I've given our one female dog a hair cut (which she really needed) and sold the floppy-eared male Lop. 

I've had TONS of interest in my lops, but with people being so busy it's been hard finding a time that we can meet.

We went to a local church and saw a Christmas play yesterday. 

It was called, "The Perfect Tree".  It was very well done and you could tell everyone in it was having a great time. :)
Then last night we had a Pageant at our own Church, reenacting the birth of Our Lord.

A few of my siblings were in it and then at the end I went out and set up a few tables full of cookies and put out milk for everyone to enjoy.

We put up our manger in our yard, I hung lights on a fence surrounding the garden/bunnies, and hung some lights up around the front of our house. 

My mom hung lights all around the back porch and going down the handrail along the steps.  Everything looks really nice.  It will be great seeing family once they come in for Christmas. 

Not only that, but we've been busy baking here!  Lots of cookies for everyone.  Of course, they've all already been consumed, so we'll have to make more.  For my last class at co-op before the Christmas break I bought all my teachers and classmates cute tins which I then filled up with cookies I'd baked.

So yes, we've been busy here, but it's been a good sort of busy.  This type of bustle is always welcome, especially during this season of joy. 

I know I only have a few posts for all of December, but I'll be putting up much more this quickly approaching 2015! :)  Anyway, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas this year!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

ALL My Bunnies

I know it's been FOREVER since I've posted, but it's just been so gross outside.  However, yesterday was really nice and luckily I took advantage of it to snap a few photo's because today it's raining again.

Here are my bunnies! Along with a photo and their names :)

This is one of Button's females who I kept.  The two females I still haven't named yet.  But the white one with brown spots reminds me so much of Nutmeg!

They were just being so cute yesterday :)

This is Button''s blurry, but that's her :)

Then the tan one is Abbey and the white is Kayla

Piccolo...he was enjoying the warmth of his box, so I left him to do his own thing.

This is Eleanor

This is Dadooshka :)






LE (Long Ears)

Two females from this are close ups...

This albino is Pocahontas

and this is Malaguenua





Cupcake :)
Then, I took some photo's of the baby lops and put them up on Craigslist.  Not only that, but Abbey's up on there as well.  She's become evil, just like her mother.  And I don't want one bad apple to ruin the whole bunch!

The one who's ears have flopped over already is SUPER cute!!! He's just adorable. :) 

The all dark one is the only female, so I'll be keeping her.  I just have to find her a good name :)

They're all so cute.  I wish I could keep them as they're beyond friendly! But I know they need to be sold

So yes, they're up along with Abbey.  Hopefully they'll all find homes fairly quickly.   Oh, and I forgot to take a photo of my albino female Ruby.  But I also have her.  She's extremely sweet...and very large!  She's one of my Giant Flemish mix's. 

Anyway, there are my bunnies for you!  They're all healthy, happy, and doing very well this Christmas season. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Loppy Ears

One of the baby lops has his ears starting to flop over.  He looks absolutely adorable! I know it's been a little bit since I've posted, but that's because I've been waiting to get the photo's of all my bunnies for you all.

However, it's been raining and snowing...and I don't want to get my camera wet.  So I've been waiting for a nice day.  Which, unfortunately hasn't really come yet.

But the other day I brought in the baby lops along with Cupcake for some attention.  I got photo's of that! :)
My mom was holding them while watching a Christmas hallmark show :)

With his ears back, he reminds me of a baby seal :)

The babies seemed to enjoy the heat of the house, but Cupcake didn't.  She was hot, so we put her in a cardboard box which she laid down comfortably in.

Every now and then she would stand up and see that her babies were alright, then she'd lay back down.  She also enjoyed munching on a few carrots while in there :) 

So yes, all the bunnies are doing well.  The watering system with the plastic bowls is working very well.  And I'll try and get some photo's of my rabbits for you when we get a nice day here somewhere. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Getting BIG!

My females who I'm raising up are getting really big!  The two girls who are Button's are doing great.  They're not as personable as I'd like, but they're not bad.  I'm hoping to start working with them more over Christmas break.

It's super gross outside.  Everything's wet as it's been raining.  As you can tell from the picture above, I have to clean out their hutch.  I literally cleaned it out yesterday. 

But what happened is I didn't put down any diatomaceous earth or hay, so they just went in the same spot, and plus with the rain they're in the hutch more than outside, so it's gross.  I'll be cleaning that once I go back outside again. (which will be right after I finish this post)

The lops are doing great!  They're so cute and beyond friendly.  They're just the best :) 

And it's amazing, because we've had rain, frost, ice, snow...and yet the weeds live on. 

As cute as they are, the bunnies are hard to take pictures of because there's always one who's on the move.

They love it when I open the side door!  They really enjoy walking long the edge :)

Then on the one row of cages that I had put all the feed bags up, I was able to replace most of them with one fair sized tarp.
It's very gloomy back there today.  It's just so grey and wet.  I took some pictures of the trees surrounding to show you what I mean...

So anyway, that's what's going on with my rabbitry :)  I'm going to go out there, feed, water, clean up more, scoop out that hutch, add hay, etc.  While writing this post I decided that my next one will have a picture of each rabbit back there so you can see how they're all doing :)