Thursday, October 30, 2014

Interesting Discovery...

I just made a shocking discovery with my poor, sick Polka.  My little female is actually a MALE! 

I picked her...him up to check his underside and how clean it is...when I realized that it was definitely a boy!  No mistake about it.

It definitely made everything make more sense about 'her' dominate personality and 'her' chasing the other females around...

My mistake.  But that means I've been raising a male rabbit whom I don't need and/or want.  I suppose he'll just have to find another home, and SOON!  I do NOT want to be feeding an extra male all throughout winter if I don't have too. 

You might think this sounds cruel, but when you have as many rabbits as I do, even one extra can make the feed bill go up higher than you want it. 

Consequently, he's going.  He'll be going soon.  Very soon. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014


One of my females who I'm growing up for the spring breeding, Polka, has been acting strange lately.

Normally she's extremely dominant.  She likes to almost appear as though she's male and chase her siblings around the cage.  She also loves to eat!

My camera's battery was dead, so this is an old picture of Polka

These past few days though, I've noticed that she hasn't been eating that much or really done much exercising at all. 

I decided to put her and her siblings out in the run today so they could get some exercise, eat lots of greens, and get a change of scenery.

I moved her sisters over first, then her.  When I held her, I noticed she felt very bloated.

It then made sense.  She must have been blocked somewhere in her intestines.  That would explain her lack of appetite and why she wasn't terribly active.

Luckily, my mom just bought a BUNCH of canned pumpkin.  So I filled a 6 ml. syringe full and took it out to her.

From all my past experiences, the rabbits LOVE the pumpkin and eat it right down.  This was not the case, however.

Instead, she didn't seem to like it at all!  So I had to put her in a cage by herself (so I wouldn't get scratched), hold her head back and force the pumpkin in. 

I did everything slowly to ensure I wasn't hurting her and also to make sure she wouldn't choke on the pumpkin and had time to swallow, etc.

I'm really hoping it's not too late for her.  I'll just have to cross my fingers and hope she starts improving tomorrow!  If nothing's changed by tomorrow morning, I'll try and give her some more pumpkin. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Out Of Feed

Have you ever run out of food for your rabbits/chickens?  Every wondered what they could eat until you're able to buy some more feed for them?

Well, with chickens it's extremely easy.  They'll eat any scrapes you have.  So as an example, I gave them some old home-made bread.

The chickens love anything you give them.  Seriously, they will eat everything!

Then for the bunnies, it's not as easy, but still not too hard to find something to give them.   An example is saltines and carrots.  Now, you MUST remember that bunnies under 6 months should NOT eat vegetables.  It will give them dysentery and from there they can easily die. 

This plate of carrots is for my older bunnies, and then the saltines are for both the young ones and the old ones. 

But it's fairly common knowledge that all bunnies LOVE carrots! :) I haven't met a carrot hating rabbit yet.

After I distributed the carrots, I then began giving them the saltines.

Soon, all the saltines and carrots had been distributed to some very happy bunnies!

A few of the rabbits were unsure about the saltines, but once they tasted them they liked them.  Rabbits really like salt :)

And while doing all that, I stuck Benjamin and Bruce out into the runs to get some fresh greens!

Other things you can give your rabbits are leaves (dead or alive), dandelions, plantain, pretzels, 100% rolled oats, bird seed, vegetables of all kinds, hay, strawberries, apples, etc.  So don't worry if you run out for a day or two, because there are lots of things laying around the house that your rabbit would be happy to have! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


I really gravitate towards shoes whenever shopping....I really like shoes :)

Anyway, my shoe style is a little...unique - as my sister would say :)   So, here are some shoes that are different, but I thought they were pretty cool so I got them.

I picked up this pair of sandal-like, high-heeled, flip-flops and let me tell you, they are awful to walk in!  But I got them because I loved the buckle on the side :)

I love All-Star shoes!  They are my favorite shoes ever! (other than flip-flops :))  They are so neat looking and very comfortable!

These are really neat because they look like bowling shoes, however they are high-heels.  I really really really likes this pair :)

Then this is a pair of ankle-length shoes with colorful buttons on the side.  I thought they were neat, so I picked them up too :)  And they are SUPER comfortable to wear!

So there you go! All my interesting shoes that I've taken pictures of for you today :)

Since I've taken these photo's I've actually managed to find a few more interesting pairs of shoes which I'm sure I'll post on sometime in the future. :) 

And I know, this post didn't have anything to do with rabbits, but I promise the next one will!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

100th Post!

This post is my 100th for Wild Tree Tops! And I must say, I personally am shocked as to how many things I was able to find to talk about concerning rabbits.

I honestly thought I'd start this blog, write a few posts and be done, but I was so wrong!  There is an un-endless amount of things to talk about concerning rabbits and everyday life raising rabbits.

And it has been fun, actually REALLY fun being able to write about it and share my stories with all of you! 

Here are some pictures as just a reflection of my past 99 posts! :)

This has been an amazing way for God to allow me to share with so many different people the beauty in even just a little piece of His creation.  Thank you reading this post.