Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Years Eve

Well...needless to say, this is going to be the last post - of 2015 :)  Tomorrow will start off the new year!!

Today, with the help of a few siblings and my mom, we cleaned up the rabbitry, moved hutches around, picked up some trash, and finally finished up the new rabbit structure before winter hits :)

Here are our chickens...

Yesterday, I put down a bunch of straw into their outside run.  It's been raining a lot lately, so their area was really muddy.  

So I stuck a bunch of straw down so they wouldn't have to walk in mud.  I also stuck a bunch of the straw inside the actual coop.  Now they're fully ready for any type of winter weather!

So as you can see, the hutches have been moved :)

And this red/white sign was a Christmas gift from my brother.  I think it's really cute!

Hopefully with the hutches in this new location, they'll heat up by the sun and so the bunnies will stay a little warmer :)

It really made the area by the chicken coop look much more open.  I used my wheelbarrow and cleaned up all the bunny droppings that had been underneath the hutch. 

And I moved a few bunnies around, so now there are none underneath the hutches :)

There are also no more cages on the side, next to the bench/table :) 

It looks much more open :)

And the tarps are currently down, giving a bit of a wind break for all the bunnies :)

But here's the new, finished structure.  All that's left is to paint it!

As you can see, I put a few cages on the side where the one hutch had been.

Of course, that was after I cleaned up all the bunny droppings, so it looks really great :)

And yes, the roof is finally on! :D

And here's another sign I got for Christmas :)

Using the tool kit I got for Christmas, I cut out and nailed up tarps to go around the whole new structure, giving the bunnies in the hanging cages full coverage from wind :)

...and now...for something I'm really excited to tell you about!

This is Piccolo's replacement! :)

...and not only that, but...

I got this little guy's sister too!

So one 6 week old boy, one 6 week old girl :)

They're so adorable!!! I haven't named them yet, but I think they're so cute.  They're both Mini Lion Heads, like Piccolo was.  :)

And Rhett Jr. 

With all the cages/bunnies getting moved around, I put him into a larger cage. 

He's pure Flemish, so he's going to be HUGE once full grown :)

Plus, he's one of my most active bunnies! So I wanted to make sure he had plenty of space to stretch his legs and run around :)

He's so cute :)

Happy New Years everyone!! I hope you all have a great year, this 2016! :)


So I decided on Christmas Day, to breed my Velveteen Lops.  That being said, I put lilac with Brody and Lilly with Francis :)

Here's Lilac with Brody.  The flash was on for a few pictures, making it look bad. 

And here's Lilly with Francis :)

And for those of you who might not know, Francis is the tan one and Lilly is the blue one :)

I'm not sure that either female is actually bred.  Because, this was a first time breeding for all 4 of them! So, we'll see how it plays out :)

Here's Lilac...

...and Brody :)

She wasn't very thrilled about breeding.  

Brody was doing his best though :)

He's so cute :)  He's my little guy who I got for free because he wasn't thriving.  After months of care, he's crazy healthy and loving life! I'm so glad I got him and he was successful in taking all the herbs and essential oils I gave him.  

Then here's Francis and Lilly again. 

I know Francis is blurry, but I thought it was a cute picture of Lilly :)

I love Francis' coloring. :)

I'm hoping some of his coloring will come through in the litter...

...although many times, it's the darker coloring that's dominant. 

I guess I'll just have to wait and see :)

This is Lilly after I took her out from being with Francis.  She looks frazzled, but instantly enjoyed her solitude :)

Francis seemed glad for a break too.

So hopefully in January I'll be having a few Velveteen litters!!! :)