
Scroll down for pictures and quotes of people who've purchased my bunnies in the past and see what they say! :)

"Just wanted to thank you again" "named her lizzy, and she is making herself right at home." "Thank you so much." ~ T.H.

"Thank you!  Zoe is loving the bunny! She named her Bella.  She is super sweet and loves being held." ~ J.L.

"The rabbits have adapted perfectly to our family! They have gone to a lot of places and are so laid back and well mannered. We love them! Thanks again!" ~ A.T

"Thank you so much, she's so much cuter than her pic. The kids love her. I hope we can do business again. Please let me know when you have more BEW's. 
Thanks, have a great day" ~ D.W.

"Oh my GOSH!! He's the most beautiful lion head Ive ever seen!!! Hes so beautiful! Thanks so much, he will be well taken care of.  My daughter's so excited to start 4-H with him.  Hes gorgeous, thanks again!!" ~ S.H.

"Thank you so much. They are so sweet and calm.  Thanks again." ~ J.K.

"Thank you so much! He will be a great pet for my kids! Thank you!" ~ A.B.

"Wanted u to no that my mini lop is doing well! Thanks!" ~ K.D.

"I wanted to let you know the bunnies are doing great. My daughter named hers Pip Squeak and my mom named hers Theodore.  o my gosh we just love them to pieces. Theodore loves for you to hold him in a cuddle. position on his back so you can rub his belly. Pippy rides in the car like a little dog, he loves going byes and licking your arm."  "The one my daughter has the one the loves car rides, has now got to thinking he is part dog and sleeps in the bed at night with her. I love how the each have there own personalities. thank you so much we are enjoying them greatly." ~D & S.S. 

"The boys love the bunny...and he loves the boys back... He's doing great litter training... he loves to chew! Lol We may be looking for another soon. Thanks again!" ~ J.M.Y

"Thank you so much, we will definitely enjoy him.  She is so excited! Thanks again:)" ~ J.M.

"I named my Lop Rollo, and am excited to pick out a name for my Lion Head! My friend even built a huge run, so they have the entire basement to play in.  Thank you so much!" ~ J.D.

"I was looking through your posts and I just love them all!  So many people post pictures that look like the bunnies are mean and never played with but yours all look so nice and taken care of!" "They're so SWEET!!! I'm just obsessed with the one's red eyes and how big they will get! Thank you so much, they're so calm!" ~ E.C.

"The bunny is just sweet as can be. So calm even with the kids handling him back and fourth. He's perfect." ~ A.Y.

"Thank you so much again, my son is so happy!" N.O.

"Perfect!! He is so sweet very out going thank u again!" ~ M.E.
"Timothy (that's what she decided to name him) is doing great! He loves his house and all the attention he gets from all the kids, but most of all he loves all the fresh greens my daughter planted in our garden this spring in anticipation of his arrival. Thanks again," ~ E.P.

"We named her Flo and she is doing amazing! Spoiled rotten! She is fully litter trained. Because she is litter trained she spends hours out of her cage each day. Thanks for an amazing bunny!"  ~ C.S. 
"We love him!! Tho he thinkks he is a cat lol" ~ B.W. 
 "Okay thank you so much!  They're so perfect!" ~ M.W.
"I'm bring the lionhead everywhere with me. He's the calmest lionhead I've ever seen!" ~ M.W. 
 " I let them out in my office every day.  They love running around on the carpet, hopping and twisting during the morning.  After about 30 minutes of high energy carpet running, they rest for about 4 hours...LOL." ~ L.A. 

"We keep them outside in the spring/ summer/ autumn. They love digging and running around in the mulch.  We will also take them out of the cage to walk around the yard.  The neighbors really like to see them and pet them.   They don’t go outside the yard though, which is helpful.  These two characters are great pets." ~ L.A. 
"I named them Willie and Waylon! Thank you so much!" ~ E.C.
"Running around exploring their new home! Thank you so much I love them! I'll be a wonderful mommy to them!" ~ E.C.
"Hi! I wanted to send you guys an update on "Jasmine" :)" ~ M+L.W.
"She is very happy in her new home and we plan on keeping her separated from the two boys until she a bit more used to her new environment. Thanks again!" ~ M+L.W.

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