Monday, March 30, 2015

Breeding Bunnies

Today, with the help of a few siblings, I had 7 more females bred today.  And while this all occurred, my siblings also took lots of pictures and a few video clips for me. 

The first pair to breed was MJ (the single maned Lion head male) and Buttons (a Satin/Giant Flemish female).  The two were very good with each other and I believe they'll have cute babies :)

The second pair was Oreo (Satin male) and Arrow (A mixed breed who's the daughter of Button's and Dustin).   I love how they're both spotted.  I'm curious to see if they will have any babies with black, brown and white all on one.

Then I put Dustin (a Rex/New Zealand/Californian male) with Pocahontas (who was Angel and Rhett's daughter, a mixed breed).  They're both lighter in their coloring.  I'm sure their litter will be very cute!

Then here's a shot with Chuck...who's tongue is out :)

I put GG (a single maned Lion Head female ) in with Phantom (a double maned Lion Head).  They could have a variety of both double and single manes, but I'm hoping there will be more double, since they both carry the dominant mane gene :)

And another tongue shot! This was Dustin, though :) 

Then I put Pumpkin (A Giant Flemish/Satin/Giant Chinchilla female) in with Rhett (who is a Giant Flemish male).  They've been bred together before and had beautiful, healthy litters! :)

We didn't open any cages to take pictures because we didn't want to disturb the bunnies and their 'process'.  Consequently, there are lots of wires that got in the way. 

MJ, grooming Button's head as she laid inside the hutch :)

Chuck (who's Oreo and Pumpkin's son) bred with Malaguena (who's Angel and Rhett's daughter).  Since she's all black, and he's such a beautiful shade, I'm hoping to get a nice mixing of colors.  We'll see what happens with that :) 

And then here's LE.  She was bred 3 weeks ago and is due next week.  I put some more hay in her area and she started working on a little nest.

We did get some video of the rabbits actually mating, however I'm not going to put that up in this post.  Perhaps another one soon. 
Oh, and I don't think we got any pictures of it, only videos, but Achilles and Cottontail were bred together as well.  Achilles is Peanuts' and MJ's son, while Cottontail is LE and Oreo's daughter. 
So anyway, this new batch are due to deliver the first week in May :)  And the first batch are all due the week after Easter!!! (So in other words...this coming week!!!! :))  I love baby bunnies and am excited about this!  I'll be sure and let you all know with LOTS of pictures when the babies are born :)


Saturday, March 28, 2015

More Snow

It is snowing here...again.  I have yet to go and take care of the bunnies today, but I  will shortly.  Yesterday I was out there quite a bit.   I was cleaning out hutches and scooping up poop.
I put Phantom, Achilles, Mara, and Calypso up on craigslist.  I think I'm going to take Phantom down, as I really like him and would hate to see him go.  He's mean as all get out, but I really like him.  He's like a cranky old man.  He appears gruff on the outside, but once you get to know him, he's a real sweet heart :)
I sold the female bunny who had one blind eye, but she came back the next day because the woman who bought her got it for her granddaughter.  However, they didn't realize until she was with the bunny that she was allergic to it.  So she had to come back. 
I was a little worried with all the different scents now on her that her mother would regect her and I'd have to find another place to keep her.  So when I took her back into my rabbitry, I grabbed a handful of dry hay, poop, food, and fur out of the hutch where all the babies and Peanuts are.  I rubbed it all over her so that she would have her old scent back and mask the new scents. 
I was very happy to see it worked!  Her siblings immediently started licking her and putting her fur back into it's proper position.  Then she went over to Peanuts who started smelling her intensely and for a second I thought she might attack her, but she didn't.  After a moment of smelling, she began licking her daughter and I knew I could leave. 
And so that's currently what's up with my bunnies.  They're all good and happy.  A few of the pregnant females are a bit moody, but that's par for the course.  This Monday is when I'll be breeding 7 more females.  I have to pick which ones I want to breed with which males.  I'll use Chuck in the breeding this time.
For the last batch, he didn't get to breed.  He hasn't bred any females at all, but he's extremely anxious to.  He's a high-energy bunny, so he should do a good job and get everything done quickly.  PLUS, he's really beautiful in his coloring.  I'm really excited to see what his babies will look like.  I'll probably have him breed either Malaguena (who's an all black female), or Pocahontas (who's an albino female). 
Here are a few pictures of Rhett and LE when they were bred together last year in the fall...

I'm hoping (if I think of it) to take some pictures this Monday or the different rabbits all paired up.  We'll see if that happens or not though :)  Anyway, that's the latest with my rabbits!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


I went out and got some pictures of a few different bunnies today, because it's really nice outside.  The sun's out and I believe it's around 50-60 degrees!
Luna's getting really big! I'm excited to breed her in the last batch of bunnies :)

She's so sweet, I'm sure she'll make a great mom!
Then Button's was just laying around, enjoying life :) 

She's so cute!

Tasha's been a little moody lately.  When rabbits are pregnant, they either become really melancholy, or easily agitated.  Tasha definitely seems to be leaning toward the agitated side of things.  But she's doing very well and is very healthy :)

Dotty's so sweet! She was bred with Achilles, but since it was a first time for both, I'm not convinced she's pregnant. 

I really hope she is though, but it's very hard to tell with bunnies.  Her personality really hasn't changed at all, but that doesn't mean she's not pregnant.  I guess I'll find out in 2 weeks!

Arrow's not pregnant, because she wasn't bred.  But she's always been a little more on the skittish side.   She's been really good the past few days though.

MJ's sooo sweet! I only need 2 male Lion heads, so I'm definitely going to get rid of one.  Piccolo's definitely staying.  He's my favorite Lion head ever.   So it's between Phantom and MJ.  MJ's so sweet, but he's only a single maned.  Phantom's really cranky, but he's a double maned. 

Then here's Dustin!

Dustin's a really good bunny...and I love his coloring.  He's so friendly!

Then, the white chicken. :) 

Our good camera finally has a charged battery, so I used it to take all these photo's.  I really like how clear the pictures are when taken with that camera.  Which is why I added the picture of the chicken...because it just looks so good :) 
Then lastly, I put rabbit manure up on craigslist.  $5 for a 5 gallon buckets worth of it.
I've got plenty of it, and if people buy some, great! If not, that's fine too.  My grandfather uses some for his fruit trees and we use lots of it on our trees and in our gardens.