Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lots of Stuff

Yesterday it was extremely hot outside.  And today, with humidity, it felt like it was past 100 degrees! And well...rabbits do NOT do well in that type of environment.  So I ran an extension cord back to my rabbitry and hooked up three fans.

Two are osculating fans that my grandparents are letting me borrow. 

Then the third is a big, yellow, house fan we had in our garage.  Not only that, but all day love I've been misting the rabbits with cool water. 

And with this heat, I had to make a few adjustments to my one hutch holding my three females Ruby, LE, and Dotty who are all due this Friday. 

First, I opened the side door and duct taped a screen in it's place. 

Then I propped the roof up with an old hoe and put to screens on the top to let all that heat out.

And just really quick...a friend came over yesterday and put in a third divider into that hutch, so now it can house 4 mothers instead of just 3! :)

But back to the screens - they're really nice, because I put nails in so that they wouldn't slid off the front or off the sides, but I can push them back and do anything I need to with the bunnies.

Here's LE...she's huge...

...and Ruby who's also massive...

...and Dotty :)

And as you can see, I took out their water bowls and hung up water bottles to give them more space inside their areas. 

Then yesterday, after wanting to go for a few mom and I went to the livestock auction! We took Kris, Kringle, MJ, Bubbles, all but 3 of the dwarfs, and 1 of the younger Lion Head males who was white with a grey nose.

Because of this, I was able to move Achilles over with the other bunnies and now they're all back in a circle again, making it MUCH easier to feed and water everyone! :)

Here are the 3 dwarf males.  I kept them because someone wanted to pick from them, but I haven't heard back from them, so I guess I just take these 3 to the auction this coming Tuesday along with our 7 roosters. 

They are cute though :)

Now here's the reason the one young male Lion Head had to go to auction...

He attacked and ripped up this poor guys right eye! I'm currently putting diluted honey on it, but it just looks so bad. 

Then this Friday, my remaining 2 Lion Heads (one white and one black)...

...are almost definitely getting sold! :) 

They're all just hanging out :)

Now, here's the true reason behind the fans and misting...

...3 of my little Lop babies died yesterday.  I went out to feed them (early in the morning, I must add!) there were 3 laying on their side.  They must have JUST died.  And the only possible explanation for it was the horrible heat.  So today, I've done everything humanly possible (including feeding them ice cubes!) to keep them cool. 

We even froze water in glass containers for the rabbits to lay against.  You can kind of see one which Luna has her hind quarters laying on.  It's just been insanely hot today.  And it's supposed to be like this, this entire week coming!

On a much happier note, you can see all the babies are doing well!

These are Calypso's.  They're just so beautiful with their coloring! :)

...this one is so darling :)

Calypso got upset that I was taking pictures though...

I think it was the flash on the camera that she really hated. 

But her babies are just so cute :)

Then here's Harley's crew! Two of Calypso's have somehow gotten themselves into Harley's area and Harley's just excepted them as her own.  So now Calypso has 7 and Harley has 9 :)

They all have really beautiful coloring :)


Then here are Kayla's!

The one who's back is facing the wall appears to have a tanish/brown spot on it's back. 

Then this one looks like it will have dark fur around it's eyes :)

Harley came in to check out the camera :)

Then I'm still trying to find good names for the females I'm raising up.

I didn't open the cages to take pictures of them because I thought they were so cute the way they were sitting and I knew opening the cage would disturb them :)

Oh, and here's Tasha. It's hard to see, but she's resting her hind quarters against a jar with ice in it.  I'll have to make more of those tomorrow as they really seem to enjoy them! 

So there you go...lots of stuff currently happening back in the rabbitry.  I'm really excited though to use my new section in that large hutch.  It will be nice during the winter.  Then more bunnies can be protected from the rough elements.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Babies N' Cages

So Kayla had a beautiful little litter of four adorable babies yesterday :)  I think they're going to be all white!

She built a nice little nest with her fur to cover the babies up with. 

Being only a day old, Kayla's currently very protective of them, so I wasn't able to move the fur away so you could see them.  But since it's so hot out, she pushed some fur away on the top of them, which is how I was able to get this shot :)

Then here's Harley's litter of what I believe to be 7 babies :)

And in this shot, you can see they're kind of spread out.  I believe she has 2 black, 3 spotted, 1 silver, and 1 caramel colored one.  So cute!!!

Then here's Calypso, carefully guarding her litter :)  She never leaves them.  Any greens I put on the outside of her area she drags back inside so she's next to her babies. 

Her babies look like they will be neat mixtures of silver and caramel.  They're going to be really neat! I think she either has 7 or 8 babies.   She's extremely protective right now, so I haven't been able to get in there and actually count yet.  I'm only estimating by what I see when the fur's pushed away :)

She's a good mother :)

Then someone contacted me through craigslist and gave me this 3 layered cage for FREE!!!

I had to tie up the bottom ramp so that this bunny wasn't with the other two, because she was chasing them non-stop. 

So the other two have free range of the middle and top layer which is connected by a ramp...

...which they LOVE going up and down on :)

This bunny is just so pretty! When she's old enough, I'm going to breed her with Chuck.  Their babies should be really cool :)

Then this poor lion head some how managed to get his foot stuck in the wire on the side of the cage and broke his foot.  It's really bad, so we're going to have to put him down as I cannot sell him and I don't want him to be in any pain.  

The rest of the Lion Heads I stuck together in a cage so that the moms could get a break from them since they're all pregnant with their next litters.  I sold 2 of them today.  The big tan/white one with blue eyes and Piccolo's little boy.  Both of them were really cute! They're getting an awesome new home though :)

And I have someone possibly interested in checking out the lion heads tomorrow evening :)

So lots of new things going on.  All good :)  I had a friend come over and he helped me build a dividing wall to put inside my large hutch so instead of having 3 sections for mothers, there will be 4.  We built the wall, now we just need to find a way to secure it and fill up any holes to the babies cannot go from section to section :)