Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lion Head Rabbits

Lion Head rabbits are a breed that are small and fluffy.  I myself have Lion Heads with which I breed and sell.  Lion Head rabbits are my latest addition.  I currently have 2 males and 2 females.  None of them are related.  Both of my females are currently bred and due the middle of July. 

The rabbit on the left is my one female, Olivia.  Olivia is an interesting rabbit.  She's had 2 litters before, but none of her babies have yet survived past day 3.  

She's currently pregnant and I intend on keeping an extremely close eye on her as she seems to have difficulty raising her babies. 

Because of this, I've bred my other Lion Head female on the same day so that they will both be due together and if necessary, I can give some of Olivia's babies to my other female, Kayla. 

Kayla is a beautiful white and black female.  She's had one litter before and raised them very well.  Not only did she raise her own, but she fostered 4 Giant Flemish babies who's mother stopped taking care of them.

I just sold the last of her litter this past weekend.  She had all boys and they were exceptionally sweet tempered like Kayla! 

Olivia is not as friendly as Kayla.  She's more attitude then anything else.  However, the attitude of a rabbit always comes back to how often they were held as babies.  Because of this, it's quite clear that Kayla had been held much more than Olivia. 

Now, both Olivia and Kayla are around 5 - 7 lbs. each.  They are the average size for a Lion Head. 

I also have my 2 male Lion Heads who both have personalities uniquely their own! 

Now, to the left is my male, Phantom.  Phantom is a moody rabbit.  He enjoys being pet sometimes, then others he wants to be totally left alone. 

He's really cool as he has one completely blue eye, then his other eye is partially blue, partially brown.  He's been the father of all the litters so far. 

Currently, Olivia is bred with him.  They both have strong personalities, so I'm sure that will come through in their babies.  It just means I'll have to make sure and give their bunnies lots of love and hold them often.  He's about 5-7 lbs. as well. 

Now, the picture to the right is of my other male, Piccolo.  He, for the very first time got to breed Kayla.  We'll see if it was successful as she's due in July. 

Piccolo is extremely sweet and very curious in a shy sort of way.  He's not the average size for a Lion Head as he's a miniature.  He's more around 2-3 lbs. 

As you can tell, this breed of rabbit looks different from almost all the other breeds out there.  They are not meat rabbits.  These are bred specifically as pets. 

Being so small, Lion Heads make a wonderful pet for people who live in an apartment building and such. 

So there you have it.  Lion heads are small, fluffy, cute, and loving (depending on how much attention it got as a baby, that is)  Another benefit about raising Lion Heads, is that they really don't eat a lot at all.  This keeps their feed bill very low. 

Here's a few pictures of Kayla's 2 boys from her last litter. 

And there you go! Those are a few pictures of Kayla's boys.  Both extremely cute and beyond laid back!  They had the best personalities ever.  Especially the little black one with the white nose.  He loved being held, hugged, and carried around.   They both got great homes with which they went too.  And THAT is what a Lion Head rabbit looks like. 

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