Friday, July 29, 2016

New Lion Heads!

Yesterday after finishing up a shift at our local pool, I headed out to meet a fellow who had two 'female' bunnies for sale. 

When the guy arrived with the bunnies, I checked them both.  Turns out, there's one male and one female. 

They're both well developed, so I believe they're somewhere around 7-9 months. 

The white/grey is the female. 

She's really pretty :) But since they're so mature, and one's a male, I'm going to have to wait out 32 days incase she's pregnant. 

Which isn't a big deal :) 

The man I bought them from wasn't sure if they're related or not.  I'm guessing they aren't, because their fur patterns/colors are totally different.  However, I  could be completely wrong.  But it's alright, because I have my own un-related females to breed with the male, and my own un-related males to breed with the female :)

Here's the male, more of a Harlequin coloring.

I took these pictures, then gave him a 'hair cut'.

You can kind of tell from the pictures, but he had LOTS of matting.  Especially around his back end.  So I went to work and got that all cleared up. 

He actually has some matting under his neck, which I still have to cut out...I'm just not sure how to do that without getting bit...

But they're both beautiful bunnies! I'm really looking forward to adding them, and their colors/beautiful thick coats into the mix :) 

And for Lion Heads and being so fluffy, these two are nice and photogenic :)

I haven't named them yet, but I'm thinking of Zeus for the male, and Hera for the female. But that's still undetermined :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Lion Heads - Breeding

So with my new Lion Head female (who I still have to find the perfect name for) I decided to breed with Phantom, my Lion Head male. 

I really love her's very unique and beautiful!

I just think of the night sky when I see her...which made me think of naming her after the Constellations, but when I looked through them, I didn't think any would really fit her.  Then I looked at the names of different stars...also finding very little which appealed to me. 

I thought of naming her Twilight, but with the book series...I quickly shot that down myself as it brings a negative feeling instead of a gorgeous, mysterious time in the evening when it's truly most beautiful. 

Phantom, pushing his way into the pictures :)

I just love everything about this female!!! Her coat is beautiful, and show quality.  Phantom is also a show quality with her coat.  Therefore, all their babies will be show quality as well.  Although I don't have pedigrees for them....

She's really a sweet bunny as well.  Maybe a name involving the moon...or one of the planets.  Although I feel the planets sound more masculine.  Like Jupiter, Saturn...although there is Neptune.  That sounds feminine and it's very pretty.  Hmmm - something to think about :)   

They both have such cute faces!! I just wish there wasn't wire between the camera and them.


I love how light Phantom's blue eye looks in this picture.  The sun was hitting him, really showing it off.  He's a mean little guy, but he has a beautiful coat, which does well passing through to his offspring! 

The camera was having a hard time focusing on her, as she's so very fluffy!


She's so cute :)

But anyway...I'm not sure if I'll breed more bunnies tomorrow or not.  I have a few bunnies who currently are due this Saturday and need to be put in hutches.  I only bred Phantom and her, then it looked like a storm was coming so I didn't breed anyone else.  But now it looks rather clear out.  But I really dislike breeding only one female, in case she's not a good mother or has too many babies to take care of.  So more likely than not, I'll be breeding a few others tomorrow. 

Bunny Cut

So I completely forget as to whether or not I ever did a post on the fact that I actually gave my Lion Head/Angora mixed female, Tasha a hair cut. 

She didn't look the greatest afterwards...

However, I had noticed that she was matted on her lower back and it was starting to bug her.  So I cut that out.  And while I did, she behaved so well that I figured I might as well continue.  Especially with the heat, so she would be cooler and more comfortable. 

But with all that fur off, she looks small next to her daughter!

Her daughter's as cute as the dickens! But I still haven't found the perfect name for her yet.  Hopefully that will happen soon though :) 

Friday, July 15, 2016

New Lion Head!

So this morning I got a new Lion Head female!!! She's a little over a year old and her past owners called her Marshmallow.  But well, since I already have a Marshmallow, I'm definitely changing her name. 

She looks like a Cloudy, or maybe I'll name her after one of the constellations.  Still deciding :)

But she's really sweet, LOVES being held!  And surprisingly doesn't seem skittish around dogs.

She's so pretty :)

She came with tons of 'accessories' and a really nice, solid-bottomed cage!  And well, I've been sick the last few days, so I didn't make it out to find her a spot in my rabbitry just yet.  So currently her cage is under our covered-porch.  But she's been hanging out with me, inside :) 

She's a beautiful bunny! And I just love her coloring! I'm hoping to breed her with Phantom sometime soon.  It will be interesting seeing the colors these two will produce. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Raising Up ~ Lion Heads

I realized at the beginning of this year that I've raised up lots of bunnies in the past for breeders, but never raised up a Lion Head.  So I decided to make sure and raise up a few this year!

Anyway, here's Tasha's female which I kept.

As you can see, she's extremely fluffy!

Then I kept Kizzy's single baby.  Unfortunately, Kizzy rejected her. a week or so ago, but Marshmallow (that's what I named Kizzy's daughter) is doing very well and seems quite happy to have her own spot :)

Here's a few pictures of Marshmallow...

You can see she's going to be as fluffy as Tasha's daughter!

Then I'm also definitely going to be raising up one of Rosie's daughters...

...this broken blue female :)

She's beyond cute and I'm really excited to see how her coloring will look when she's super fluffy like the others! :)

Brindle's Litter

My female Brindle, and sister of Cheche, and Cali, has done a beautiful job with her litter! All 6 are as cute as can be and with Phantom as the sire, all 6 have manes :)

There are 3 all tan ones...

...I'll have to double check them, but I believe 2 are females and 1 is a male :)

And I got individual shots of them as well!


These 3 remind me of Piccolo in every possible way!

Then the other 3 bunnies are a mix of tan, white, and a little black/grey.

I'll have to double check these as well...

...but I believe they're all males.

They are really cute though :) 

I absolutely LOVE their markings/color...but I don't want to keep any single-maned babies that are related to Phantom, because while it is okay to breed daughters-to-fathers, I like to avoid that as much as possible.  So I'd rather breed one unrelated, like one of Flynn's babies to Phantom, to get the double-maned babies.  But we'll see.  These guys are all really cute :)