Tuesday, August 5, 2014

21 Day Old Puppies!

So, as of today the puppies are exactly 3 weeks old! Their mother has a few fleas and because of this, the puppies seem to now have some as well.  Consequently, I took them all outside and powdered each one down with some Diatomaceous earth.

I put them into this closed in area and for a little bit the mom was in there and nursed them.
The lighting was really good and so I was able to get a few really cute shots of the puppies!
This puppy is the only one we were able to make a final decision as to his name.  He is now Hunter.

(he's nursing)

If we do keep a female from this litter, she's the one we'll be keeping.

...And this is Toby!

They're all waddling around everywhere now!

Toby, looking as cute as can be.

After all that, the puppies were really tired, so they came inside a few hours later and nursed then fell asleep...

The two little girls!

So as you can see, today was a big day for the puppies...they got to go outside and play for a few hours!  They really seemed to have a lot of fun and hopefully this will mean sleep is in store for their mother tonight.

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