Sunday, July 27, 2014

James 3:7

"For every king of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind," ~ James 3:7

(The photographer of this picture actually had a REAL bear and a REAL girl together for this shot. It was not photo shopped)
(Look at the massive size difference just of their faces!)
(This woman has the tiger as a pet and has had it for years now)
(Yes, this little girl is riding an alligator)

If you really think about it...God has created all these animals and humans throughout time have managed to make pets out of any animal they wished. 

Common pets would be dogs, cats, hamsters, goldfish, birds, etc.  Then you have the common farm animals; cows, horses, goats, rabbits, sheep, chickens, pigs, etc.  Animals like bears, tigers, dolphins, and alligators are definitely NOT a usual pet. However, humans have been able to tame them, just like the Bible says.

If you really think about it, it's a very beautiful and incredible thing to both witness and experience.

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