Friday, July 11, 2014

Rabbit Woes... know how that saying goes? The one that says, "No good deed goes unpunished"? Well, I've found it to be extremely true.  How am I going to relate this saying to my post today? I'll tell you. 

A handful of months ago I purchased 3 hutches for my rabbit's to give birth in, raise their babies in, etc.  It was all for the better good of them.  The hutches had indoor spaces to keep them safe, warm and dry during storms yet they also had an outdoor section for my rabbits to go out and get some fresh air, etc.  This was my good deed, buying the hutches for the betterment of my rabbits.

My punishment for my good deed? Unfortunately, it was an on-going, never-ending bad situation.  First they got my females sick with some dietary problem that killed a couple of my females and lots of babies.  Then they proceeded to cause weird and unusual cuts to my females, mainly around their faces.  Then I had that baby get her foot stuck in the wire. 

Just yesterday I went out to see another baby with BOTH her feet stuck in the wire, blood all over and her one foot was extremely swollen.  While dealing with that situation, I had my brother harvest some rabbits who were older to open up a cage so I could get my rabbits out of those hutches once and for all. 

While doing that, I found a 5 week old with pin worms.  It was in a lot of pain, the worms were bad, and so I decided at this point the most human thing to do was to put it down...which we did.

The one with the hurt feet is now inside...making it a total of 8 babies inside now.  She's half the size of the others, so I've been keeping a close eye on her that she doesn't accidentally get squished.  We put honey on her legs and wrapped them both up for a few hours. 

She seems to be doing well so far.  Anyway, THAT is what has been going on over here...not only that, but one of Dadooshka's bunnies died.  Dadooshka hasn't been giving them a lot of milk, so her bunnies are starting to get a little thin.  Last night I brought them in and bottle fed each one some formula. 

They then went back out with their mom and seem to be doing really well today!  Which is very good.  The reason I kept the one with hurt legs inside is because, like the other one, I didn't want flies to land on her legs, etc.  Plus, I put her in the crib with the other bunnies, so she now has their scent on her and the mother would no longer except her back. 

So you can see, these cages have brought nothing but misery ever since I got them.  Consequently, I will NEVER put another rabbit in one of those hutches AGAIN! Those have been the worst mistake I have ever made and we will be burning them in the very near future. 

A word from the wise? Be very careful when you buy anything off of craigslist.  Not that some people aren't honest, but you never know what you're going to end up with.  Just be very careful so that your rabbits don't have to go through what mine did. Also so that YOU don't have to go through what I did. 

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