I took a few photo's of each bunny to show you and I checked them and now know which ones are boys and which are girls.
The first one is blind in the left eye, but has vision in the right. This bunny's a girl :)
I'm pretty sure she isn't going to have any type of a mane.
Then this next one has complete sight! Not only that, but it's also a girl :)
(This one looks like she's going to have a mane!) |
Then the third bunny also has it's sight, however this one's a boy :)
(He's definitely going to be without a mane) |
Now for the fourth baby, we've got another girl!
She definitely appears like she'll end up with a mane :)
(it's really funny, because Peanuts' last 2 litters were practically ALL boys!) |
And that's it for the brown bunnies. Then we have the two orangish babies.
The first one is going to have no mane, and it's a little girl :)
Then last but not least, it the fully blind baby bunnies and it's a boy :)
So there you go! I'm not sure if this last baby will have a mane or not...probably not, but I'll just have to wait and see.
He's so adorable, because he loves to sit in the outside section of his hutch and just hang out in the sunbeams. I was really excited, because the other day he went out, found the water bowl and got a drink! I had been really worried about that. I wasn't sure if he'd be able to find it or not, but he did :)
So as you can see, they're all doing really well!
Now yesterday...I was out holding one of my new lop females, Luna. Then I proceeded to feed the other bunnies. I pet Pocahontas and she's normally extremely sweet and easy going. But yesterday, when she smelt the scent of a strange rabbit, she lunged onto my hand and bit out a chuck of flesh.
With natural reflexes, I had my hand out of there as fast as possible. But she still managed to get a nice strip off the top. After I closed her cage door, I stared at her a moment to watch her proceed and eat my flesh.
I looked down at my hand, which was dripping blood, and went inside. Needless to say that completely and totally ruined my day yesterday. And the spot she got is close to my thumb, so it's a spot that moves a lot. Keeping bandages on it has been tricky, so currently I have a wrap over top of that, keeping them on.
Anyway, that's the latest with the bunnies. I'm currently thinking about making a "Don't put your fingers in the cage, the bunnies may bite" sign.