Thursday, March 31, 2016

My Rabbitry - March 2016

So, I took a few pictures of what my rabbitry currently looks like...

Above you can see the cages in the corner of the rabbitry.  Currently, I think it's looking rather nice :) And below, you can see the two new bins we got off of craigslist this past Tuesday.  The bigger one is currently empty, but the smaller one I filled up with some diatomaceous earth.

Then here's a stool/little table I bought :) I might use it to hold a pot once I get some flowers.  But for now, it's a nice little, all metal seat I picked up for $5.

And here's some 'clip-together' fencing stuff I bought for in front of the sink.  I'm hoping to fill up that entire area with herbs for the bunnies :) I think it will look quite nice!

I was having a hard time clipping it together and pushed so hard on one piece the end snapped and I bruised my thumb! Not badly, luckily :)

Then you can see more or less everything in this picture...

You can see Dixie, chewing on a bone :)

It's been really windy all day and looks like rain, so that's why I put the tarps up.

Oh, and you can see Luna's nest that she's been working hard on...

She's always such a good mother :)

Then Saffron...who never had any babies.

And this little Lop is my brothers.

He still hasn't named her, so I call her Harriot.

Anyway, that's the rabbitry currently! Although I'm hoping to get lots of herbs and flowers to fill it up with very soon!

New Lion Head Female

So today...I got a new Lion Head female!!! :)

And she is absolutely beautiful! least I think so :)

I have no idea what I'm going to name her as I have a few ideas...but am not sure which one fits best.

I thought of Kara, but I already had a Mara and my two other Lion Heads are Kizzy and Kayla, so to add another 'K' name might get confusing...

Then I thought maybe Piama, or something exotic and unique.

Then I thought Frosty would be cute, or maybe Misty.

So basically...I have no idea :)

But what I do know, is that she's a beautiful bunny!

I guess she turned exactly 8 weeks old Easter Sunday.

I love her coloring!

She's like an insanely light harlequin coloring.

And she has two beautiful, all blue eyes :)

When she's old enough, I look forward to breeding her with Phantom.  Since he has blue eyes, hopefully all the babies will have blue eyes.  I just really love bunnies with blue eyes :)

She seems really sweet too!

I held her on the ride home and she did very well :)

For right now, I have her set up underneath the 3 sectioned hutch that I got when I got Cupcake, Benjamin, and Bruce.

I'm hoping to find a better spot for her soon.  But for right now, this isn't bad at all :)

She's protected above, and on both sides.

Then, while I was setting all that up, my brother was holding her and actually took this photo below :)

So anyway, that's my new bunny! I'm really excited about the litters she will have as she's truly a gorgeous little rabbit :) And I'm glad she's so sweet.  I'm going to make sure and hold her a lot so she stays this sweet as an adult!

Petting Zoo - Easter Style

So, for Easter I was asked to bring a few bunnies over to our church so the kids could see real bunnies and get to pet them.

My dad and I drove over, set up and were greeted by many smiling faces :) Everyone, young and old seemed to get a real kick of seeing real bunnies!

Quite a few children asked, "Is that the Easter bunny?" And multiple parents thanked me for bring the rabbits over and doing it.

I have a feeling I'll be doing it again next year :)  But I don't mind! It was great seeing all the kids happy.

I set up twice, as there were two masses.  The first time I brought over Francis (Velveteen Lop male) and Bubba (Holland Lop male).

Francis did an AMAZING job! The second he felt someone touching him, he stood still and let them pet him as long as they liked :)

Bubba wasn't as good, but he still did a great job.  There was someone shooting nearby, and it was really loud.  That made Bubba a little uneasy, so he thumped and got a little upset.

Because of that, when we came back the second time, I brought Gorman instead of Bubba.

Gorman didn't stay still for much petting as he was super curious! But he did an awesome job! No biting, thumping or lunging :)  He seemed to enjoy all the attention!

So all in all...I say it was a HUGE success! :)

Another Breeding

Monday I bred another batch of 4! And no, I didn't get any pictures, unfortunately.  But I was able to go out and take some today :)

So, I bred Jetta (one of my newer females).  She's a Californian/New Zealand mix.

The guy I got her from didn't really specify an age...and when I checked her, she seemed very mature. Plus, she kept hopping on the other female she was with.  So I figured she was ready to breed.  

So I stuck her with Dustin, my New Zealand/Rex/Californian mixed male :)

He normally yields large litters.

And then I bred Cottontail, my Giant Flemish mixed female...

...with Bull, my mystery male :)

And then Rhett Jr., my full blooded Giant Flemish male...


...I bred him with my Giant Flemish/Giant Chinchilla female - LE. 

She normally has good sized litters, and with these babies being basically purebred - they're going to be HUGE! LE's round-about 30 pounds. And Jr.'s still growing...but he's probably somewhere between 10 and 20 pounds.  His dad was Rhett - who was HUGE, and his mother was Peanuts - who was also HUGE.  So, he's got some nice genes :)

And sweet, little Mini Lop female. (Who I FINALLY named!!!)

With the help of a friend, she is now named S'Mores :)

Anyway, I actually bred her with that same friend's male Holland Lop, Cinnamon.

This was a first breeding for both S'Mores and Cinnamon, but they both did a great job! Especially Cinnamon.  I wasn't sure how fast he'd be since he's almost 4 years old and hasn't bred before, but he got to work within seconds of being with S'Mores! :)

So...I believe I only have 2 weeks worth of more breedings until all my females are either pregnant or have litters...none of the females who were supposed to have litters this past week did.  So I have to re-breed them.  But the next batch is due to have babies on the 8th of this Friday :) I'm really hoping that there are no more false pregnancies!!! But well, only time will tell for sure.