Monday, September 22, 2014

My Rabbitry - September 2014

I dated this because I'm constantly moving hutches, pallets, and cages around back in my rabbitry.  Each time making it better than before! 

As far as it goes with it currently, my rabbitry is looking pretty good (if I say so myself :))  Here are some pictures to show you the set up I currently have for my rabbits...

So basically, my rabbitry consist of five hutches for pregnant mothers.  The fifth hutch has dividers inside to currently fit 3 pregnant females at a time. However I still have space to make it into 4 this spring.

This being said, I can have 7 females give birth every 2 weeks if I wished and always have a hutch ready for them to use. 

Here are my hutches...

These are the four single hutches I have, which are located behind my freezer which is for food storage.

Here is a picture of the other one, sadly you can only see a little bit of it in these pictures, but you can also see the bench/table back there with which I use to water my rabbits and do other things, etc.

As you can see, the fabric on the table makes it nice for people first coming back into the rabbitry.  However, once in you can see all the special huts for individual bunnies when it gets cold along with extra water bottles, feed dishes, and giant waterers when mothers have large litters and need more to drink. 

I then have some rabbit cages back there.  Currently, my cages consist of one dog cage, and two large rabbit cages and ten specially made extra large rabbit cages.

As you can see, I have pallets in front of each set of cages.  This helps me during rainy days and snowy days.  Last year the entire ground was solid ice.  I chipped the ice off the pallets and hopped from one pallet to another in order to feed and water my rabbits.

These cages provide MORE than enough room for my bunnies to run around in.  And for those of you who may have doubts as to whether or not they're getting enough exercise in there, I have two large runs that I put different rabbits out in different days for them to eat lots of grass, clover, plantain, etc. and run around to their hearts content. 

To enter my rabbitry, it looks like this...

Yes, you do see a cord coming out from the hutch, this is from the heat lamps which are inside to keep the newborn bunnies warm.

And I've been working on hanging panels which will go in front of each cage to block the wind when winter sets in.

So there you go! This is my rabbitry as of right now and I'm very pleased with it's set up thus far. :)

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