Friday, May 22, 2015


 Yesterday and this morning we had 4 litters of bunnies born!!!  And they're all darling! 

Kizzy was bred with Piccolo and she had 3 adorable, double maned bunnies :) She had hers early this morning.

The babies above are Dadooshka's.  She had them yesterday in the morning.  All ready there appear to be some pretty colors in this litter! She had a total of 7 :) She had been bred with both Achilles and Oreo.  You can already tell which babies were from which dad.

Then Cupcake had her litter late last night.  She had 5 beautiful babies.  She had been bred with Benjamin.  It's hard to tell, but one of them is either a peanut or a definite runt.  I believe it's just a runt, but only time will tell.

Then Peanuts had a litter of 8 beautiful babies this morning :)  They're all dark skinned, which means they'll probably be colors like black, brown, and grey when their fur comes in.  I'm looking forward to it.  She had been bred with Rhett, so these babies are going to be BIG!
Then this morning, I had Piccolo breed with Tasha...

...and Bruce was bred with Luna :)
I moved some of the bunnies around, so Pocahontas and her litter are now in a wire cage.
Then I also moved Arrow and her litter into a wire cage in hopes that I will now be able to handle the babies more.  When I was moving them, I had the opportunity to sex them.  
Caramel - Female
Caramel/White - Male
Black/White - Female
Brown/White - Male

They're all super cute!  But now Arrow's begun attacking...including threatening her own babies.  So once I'm confident the babies are fully weaned (around week 4 and 1/2) I'll probably get rid of her, so that she doesn't end up killing one of her own.   And that's what's up in the rabbitry :)

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