Monday, May 11, 2015

Baby Rabbits Opening Their Eyes

I've been moving bunnies and cleaning out hutches lately.  I moved Button's, Cottontail's, and GG's litters out of the large hutch and into regular wire cages.  Then I put pregnant rabbits into the cleaned out hutch with fresh hay so they can begin building their nests if they want. 

Pocahontas' Litter
Pocahontas is raising 9 babies.  Eight of them are hers and one of the black and whites is Arrow's who Pocahontas is fostering.  They're all doing really well!

Arrow's Litter
I've had to give a lot of Arrow's babies to other moms simply because she's so protective, I felt I wouldn't be able to really hold any of her babies.  And if you don't hold the babies when they're young, they will be mean and unsocial rabbits who won't make very good pets. 
So because of this, she only has 3 of her own babies to take care of.  But I noticed a few of GG's weren't eating as much as they others, so I stuck one in with Arrow so it would have a better chance at getting more milk.  It seems to be working well and Arrow's doing a nice job fostering the four :)

Malaguena's Litter
Then we have Malaguena's Litter who are all doing very well and the two spotted ones with her are both Arrow's who she's doing a beautiful job fostering while raising up her own :)

Malaguena's Litter
And since all of the litters are either 10 or 11 days old, their eyes are all beginning to open up! :)

They're so cute!

I love the light caramel spots on this one :)

And almost all the white bunnies in the different litters have black eyes, not red! :)
Pumpkin's Litter
Pumpkin is doing a wonderful job with her babies.  She's raising her original five along with one of Button's and one of Arrow's babies.  She's a very good mother :)

She has a few grey babies... brown like herself...

Button's light orangish/tan baby... all black baby...

...and a spotted caramel baby from Arrow's litter.  They all have their eyes open and already are becoming very active!
Cottontail's Litter
Next to Cottontail.  Cottontail had a litter of 7 babies.  Now, if you count the picture above, you'll find there are more then 7 in there.  Well, she was in the hutch that had 3 compartments.  She was in one, GG in another, and Buttons in the last part. 
I noticed a baby missing from GG's litter and couldn't find it.  Then I noticed multiple babies disappear from Button's litter...including one of Arrow's she was fostering!  When I was moving babies with Cottontail to her new cage, I realized what had happened to all the babies. 
As the babies would hop out of their nests and crawl through the holes in the hutch, they would end up in Cottontail's section.  She was just throwing them into the nest with all of her babies!  So she gave birth to 7 babies and ended up nursing 12!!! Consequently, I moved GG's baby back with her, but left the others.  So Cottontail is currently raising her 7, plus one of Arrow's and 3 of Button's. 

She's being a very good mother, I must say! All the babies are fed and doing very well :)

Achilles' the dad of Cottontail's quite a few of the babies look like him :)  And it appears all the white babies (including Button's) have black eyes, not red.

This little grey one hasn't opened his eyes yet :)

The tan one is one of Button's babies

Then the spotted one is Arrow's.

Another all black who's very cute :)

He kept closing his eyes every time I got the camera focused...but this little one's eyes are opened :)

They're all very cozy in there! :) Plenty of body heat to keep each other warm.
GG's Litter
All of GG's babies are still being fed and are very adorable! I believe all but one or two of her babies will be double maned :) 

I think they all are really pretty in color :)

She has a big, greyish/white baby that actually is hers, but seems like it should be one of the other females as it doesn't resemble a lion head and it's much larger than the rest.

This little grey one above fell in GG's water dish a few days after it was born.  Luckily we found it quickly, got it warm and it's doing very very well!!

I love the caramel colored bunnies, they've always been a favorite of mine :)

This one is dark brown with caramel colored undertones.  It's really pretty! I'm excited to see it when it's older :)

GG's doing a very good job, I wasn't sure how she'd do, but she's proving to be a really good mother!
Button's Litter
Then since four of Buttons are now with Cottontail, Buttons only had 3 babies to watch, so when I noticed 2 of GG's needed a little more food, I gave one to Buttons to watch and she's doing a great job with them :)

So cute :)

It's hard to see, but this little baby of Buttons crawled into GG's section through a hole and she ripped up the side of his face behind his eye.  It's healing well, but I don't know if it will be able to open it's eye...let alone see out of it.

However, the other side of his face is fine and as you can see, his eye is open.

Then this little one still hasn't opened it's eyes yet :)

Then this goofy looking one is GG's.  I think it's because of it's unusually long ears... :)

And this cute one who kept closing it's eyes as it was trying to sleep.
Kayla's Litter
Then lastly, I want to show you the difference between Kayla's two babies...
The male is the light grey and the female is the white with black spots.  I noticed that the grey one has stopped growing.  It eats and I've even made it some formula to give it a little extra milk, but he just doesn't grow.  I'm not sure if he isn't a peanut or not.  Peanuts can live for weeks, but they lack the ability after a certain point to grow more tissue and muscle.  I think he might just be one.  If he is, I cannot sell him because he could die at any time, seeing that his body cannot produce anything to grow and be well.  Hopefully he'll grow soon, but if not, I guess he is a peanut. 
Oh and really quick, I have a bird who's building a nest in one of my hanging baskets! The other day I pulled it all out because I thought the stuff and fallen into the basket during a storm we had the previous night.  However, this morning I watched the bird continue to build it up.  Very interesting.  Ironically, I have a bird house (that's unused) hanging not five feet from the baskets!

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